A fellow Western Pennsylvania Romance Writer (WPRW) brought her AlphaSmart Neo to our last WPRW meeting and I was simply amazed. This is a writing necessity for any writer!
This incredible little machine runs on three AAA batteries (700 hours of fun-filled writing adventure), weighs under two pounds, and is simplistic enough for anyone to use.
I haven't found any cons, so I would like to share the PROS (just to name a few!):
- No boot-up process--> simply turn the machine on and start typing.
- No 'save before you exit' process--> simply turn the machine off when you are done and it saves your work automatically.
- Spell Check--> it doesn't recognize my Gaelic names; however, I simply add them to the dictionary and keep on typing.
- Word Count--> extremely important to me when I strive to meet my daily goals.
- Display--> can display up to six lines, but I favor setting it at four. (The more lines, the smaller the font.)
- Downloading to Computer--> connect USB cable, open up Word and press Send. Yes, it's that simple.
I found out that teachers actually use this device in their classrooms. A fellow Celtic Hearts Romance Writer (CHRW) advised that AlphaSmarts were distributed to her daughter's third grade class for writing assignments i.e. book reports.
This is an incredible device and so easy to use. This is one of the smartest investments I ever made. You can also check out their entire website at: http://www.neo-direct.com/intro.aspx.
Happy Writing!