Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Writer's Thanksgiving


T- Thankful for those in your life that support you through thick and thin. Your unwavering support is heartfelt.

H- Happy for other writers that receive 'the call' and paving the way for those of us that have not. You make us realize that dreams do come true. Congratulations! You've earned it!

A- Anticipating great things for all in the upcoming year.

N- Never giving up your goals or your dreams.

K- Knowing when to hold fast to what you believe in. Believe in yourself!

S- Smiling when your family is proud of you even when someone used your m/s for toilet paper.

G- Getting over the latest rejection with a smile upon your face and realizing you can't please everyone. It's inevitable.

I- Insightful friends that lend support with their words of encouragement and answer your panic calls no matter the time. I've been known to do that a time or two ;)

V- Victory to all those who work hard to meet their goals.

I- Idiots who give you your latest material. Your inspiration is appreciated and you are always in abundance.

N- Never admitting defeat.

G- Gin and tonic if none of the above work.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my chapters and writing friends! May you all find happiness and a publishing contract in the upcoming season!


  1. LOL! I must say - Option G is a winner! THANK YOU, Victoria for being such a talented & wonderful friend.

  2. I love your picture of the castle and the loch. It's gorgeous. I'd love to see some of it one day!

    Your writer's thanksgiving is certainly true. For "G" I would perhaps have said giving thanks and praise for and to all of the above.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
